One's eloquence can significantly magnify the convincingness of his/her judgement, in any age - it's both an advantage and responsibility. And hopefully, our age's KOLs are wise and moral enough to avoid being misleaders... P.S. Among the exciting speeches of the barristers, such humorous comments from the judge as "considering the rubbish that is being talked nowadays, you're missing very little" subtly adjusted the atmosphere of the court sessions and kept the plot well-balanced with tension and relaxation.
看这种类型的剧就是看个热闹,不要追求什么情感的卷入了。 女主自始至终做的都是正确的事,有良心有眼光有胆识,所有的坏人都因为收到惩罚而成功洗白,曾经自私的父亲也拿出所有的钱来就女主,一切的一切都是那么河蟹,但不得不说,这部剧已经做到了同类题材剧的本分,男按摩师按摩奶头是正常的吗尤其是演员的表演皆属上乘,配角甚至有些抢戏,在这部戏里,我GET到了李光洁。